Sunday, November 22, 2009

So, you might have noticed one of the things on my to do list was tile the back splash in my kitchen. I finally got around to doing it last week and here are my results.

This is the before picture.
To ensure the tiles will be evenly spaced I recommend using spacers. You can buy them for whatever size you need.
I used a tile adhesive to get the tiles placed where I wanted them before I applied the grout. Sorry, no pictures for the grouting process. I took some but they didn't turn out very good.

Here is the final picture! I am done. You might notice I still need to put one of the electrical outlets on. I have not done that because when I tried I blew a spark or something and now the light won't turn on. So, I have to get an electrician out to fix it. Which is a bummer because it turned my house project that was suppose to be only $91.00 (and it was) into a house project that cost $156.00


  1. are amazing! Where do you find time to do this?

  2. Nice job! I've been wanting do our backsplash and bathroom floors forever. You made it look easy :)

  3. Angela what the heck! I didn't know you were such a talent! You are freaking amazing!
